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Our Values at Summerfield Education Centre

At Summerfield Education Centre are aware that many of our children have experienced exclusion from previous mainstream settings. This involves trauma not only for the child but also for the families involved. We are committed to giving every child a second chance and work hard to avoid any further need for exclusion.

We achieve this by

– creating a warm, accepting and nurturing school environment

– teaching children in small classes of no more than 6 pupils

– building trusting relationships between adults and children

– maintaining daily contact with parents and carers

– consistently applying behaviour management strategies including a well tried and

successful system of rewards and consequences

Guidance for Parents/carers on Behaviour Management at Summerfield Education Centre

Parents/carers are directed to our Restorative policy that can be found on our school website. Click on the School Policies and Documents Tab and you will find our Restorative, Attendance and Anti Bullying Policies. Alternatively, ask for paper copies which the school will be happy to provide.

These documents include a complete guide to how we manage behaviour at school and what our expectations are. These include:

  • The use of the the Academic and Restorative Mentors (ARMs) to support pupils both in and outside the classroom.
  • Our Academic and Restorative Centre (ARC).  A small setting to support those pupils who cannot manage their behaviour in the main body of the school on a long term or lesson by lesson approach.
  • Restorative Practice to resolve issues and avoid conflict
  • Individual Support Plans and Risk Assessments.
  • A School Council to put forward the views of the pupils
  • A well thought out curriculum which allows for ‘reasonable adjustments’ to meet the needs of the individual pupil.

External Exclusion

Despite all our best efforts to avoid it, there are occasions in which the external exclusion of a child is the only safe option. Such exclusion would only be carried out if a child behaved in a way that, in the opinion of the head teacher, threatened the health and safety of the student, other students, staff or members of the public.

In these circumstances the following options are available to the head teacher:

Fixed term exclusion : the child will be sent home for a fixed number of days

Parents’/ Carers’ rights to appeal against an external exclusion

Fixed term

Exclusions of 5 days or fewer in any one term are not open to appeal, though parents are entitled to make their views known to the Head teacher and the Management Committee.

Whenever possible, parents / carers will be consulted by phone before any decision to exclude is made.


Permanent Exclusion

Pupil Referral Units do have the right to permanently exclude a child. This decision would not be taken lightly and in compliance with our policies and procedures.